Advancing CTBT Ratification in Comoros

Executive Secretary with Abdou Ousseini President of the National Assembly of the Union of Comoros
This seminar will be a milestone in our legislature; a legislature that can boast of being the one that will have authorized by its vote, the ratification of the CTBT after nearly two decades.

Parliamentarian Mohamed Rachadi Abdou (left), Executive Secretary, Mohamed Ahmed Assoumani, Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and Abdallah Mirghane, Director of Cabinet of the Foreign Minister
Executive Secretary Lassina Zerbo
Clôture du Séminaire Parlementaire sur la ratification du #TICE / Union du Parlement des Comores
The Union of Comoros, a land whose motto – Unity, Solidarity, Development – resonates as a commitment to humanity, does not have the right to stand on the margins of debates on issues of an existential nature. This is why I remain convinced that Comoros will become the next state to ratify the CTBT.
Executive Secretary with Comoros Officials

Mariama Madi, data manager and seismic analyst, National Data Centre of Comoros
The Comorian Government, with its convictions for Peace and Security, will deploy its efforts for a rapid ratification of the CTBT.
Djoumoi Said Abdallah, Secretary of State for International Cooperation

Mohamed Daoudou, Minister of Interior in charge of relations with the institutions

Visit of the Comoros National Data Centre, the CNDRS

Executive Secretary with the students of the University of Comoros
With Ms M. Mariama
11 Dec 2018