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Donor Resources

The activities of the PTS are financed by all States Signatories through assessed contributions levied annually.

However, the activities of the Commission may also be funded by voluntary contributions provided by States, international organizations, or other entities.

Voluntary contributions may be “in-kind” (e.g. equipment or cost-free experts) or in cash, and they are used to support the work of the PTS in line with the Preparatory Commission’s mandate. Activities include further developing the verification and monitoring technologies, supporting outreach activities that aim at Treaty universalization, building Treaty awareness among the next generation of CTBT experts, and providing technical assistance and capacity building to underrepresented states to enable their full participation in the CTBTO’s verification regime.

Monetary contributions may be denominated in US dollars, euros or any other readily convertible currency.

The PTS charges a 7% Indirect Support Costs (ISC) rate, applicable to all voluntary contributions in cash of more than US$10 000. The ISCs are costs that support the management of activities funded by voluntary contributions. The revenue is among other things used to fund monthly internship living allowances.

If you have already a registered user of the Experts Communications System (ECS), please click the Log In button to access the landing page of the CTBTO Donors Resources where you can find project proposals that require additional voluntary contributions and read highlights of implemented projects. To establish an ECS account, contact us here.