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Selected Statements from the CTBTO

DateStatements by Robert Floyd,
Executive Secretary
11 November 2024Statement by the Executive Secretary Robert Floyd at the 63rd Session of the Preparatory Commission[PDF]
24 September 2024Statement by the Executive Secretary Robert Floyd at 11th Ministerial Meeting of “Friends of the CTBT”[PDF]
23 September 2024Statement by the Executive Secretary Robert Floyd at the Summit of the Future, General Assembly, 6th plenary meeting, 79th session[PDF]
04 September 2024Statement by the Executive Secretary Robert Floyd at the High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly to Commemorate and Promote the International Day against Nuclear Tests[PDF]
29 August 2024Joint Op-Ed by Ambassador Dennis Francis, President of the 78th UN General Assembly and Dr Robert Floyd, Executive Secretary of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization.[PDF]
29 August 2024Joint Statement by H.E. Mr Murat Nurtleu, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Dr Robert Floyd, Executive Secretary of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization [PDF]
31 May 2024Statement by the Executive Secretary Robert Floyd at the CTBTO regional workshop for State Signatories of the African region[PDF]
18 March 2024Statement by the Executive Secretary Robert Floyd at the Security Council Meeting on Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation - New York, USA[PDF]
26 February 2024Statement by the Executive Secretary Robert Floyd at the Conference on Disarmament - Geneva, Switzerland[PDF]
18 October 2023Statement by the Executive Secretary Robert Floyd 18 October 2023[PDF]
9 October 2023Statement by the Executive Secretary Robert Floyd 9 October 2023[PDF]
6 October 2023Statement by the Executive Secretary Robert Floyd 6 October 2023[PDF]
22 September 2023Statement by the Executive Secretary Robert Floyd at the 13th Conference on Facilitating the Entry into Force of the CTBT (Article XIV) Conference[PDF]
29 August 2023Statement by the Executive Secretary Robert Floyd at the High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly to Commemorate and Promote the International Day against Nuclear Tests[PDF]
29 August 2023Joint Statement by H.E. Mr Murat Nurtleu, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Dr Robert Floyd, Executive Secretary of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO)[PDF]
19 June 2023Statement by the Executive Secretary Robert Floyd at the opening of the CTBTO Science and Technology Conference (SnT2023), Hofburg Palace, Vienna, Austria[PDF]
3 October 2022Statement by the Executive Secretary Robert Floyd at the opening of the International Workshop on National Data Centres - Toledo Conference Centre “El Greco,” Spain[PDF]
21 September 2022Statement by the Executive Secretary Robert Floyd at the Tenth Ministerial Meeting of Friends of the CTBT [PDF]
8 September 2022Statement by the Executive Secretary, Robert Floyd at the High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly to Commemorate and Promote the International Day against Nuclear Tests[PDF]
29 August 2022Joint Statement by H.E. Mukhtar Tileuberdi, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Executive Secretary Robert Floyd[PDF]
5 August 2022Statement by the Executive Secretary Robert Floyd to the Tenth Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)[PDF]
1 March 2022Statement by the Executive Secretary Robert Floyd at The Conference on Disarmament High-level Segment[PDF]


DateStatements by Lassina Zerbo,
Executive Secretary
23 Nov 2020Statement by the Executive Secretary, Lassina Zerbo at the 75th Session of the United Nations General Assembly[PDF]
24 Sept 2014Statement by the Executive Secretary, Lassina Zerbo at the 58th Regular Session of the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency, 24 September 2014[PDF]
15 Sept 2014Statement by the Executive Secretary, Lassina Zerbo commemorating the United Nations International Day Against Nuclear Testing, Washington D.C., 15 September 2014[PDF]
14 Sept 2014Statement by the Executive Secretary, Lassina Zerbo at the Forum for Nuclear Security, Stanford 14 September 2014[PDF]
23 June 2014Statement by the Executive Secretary, Lassina Zerbo at the G-77 50th Anniversary Commemorative Celebrations, Vienna, Austria, 23 June 2014[PDF]
19 May 2014Address by the Executive Secretary, Lassina Zerbo at the Regional Conference for South East Asia, the Pacific and Far East, Jakarta, Indonesia, 19 May 2014[PDF]
29 April 2014Address by the Executive Secretary, Lassina Zerbo at the 3rd Preparatory Committee for the 2015 NPT Review Conference, New York, 29 April 2014[PDF]
17 March 2014Keynote Speech by the Executive Secretary, Lassina Zerbro at the First Standing Committee (International Peace and Security) IPU Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland[PDF]
13 Dec 2013Statement by the Executive Secretary, Lassina Zerbo, at the NDC Development Workshop in Africa on the use of IMS data and IDC products with emphasis on radioactive aerosol and noble gas observations[PDF]
03 Dec 2013Intervention by the Executive Secretary, Lassina Zerbo, at the Middle East Scientific Institute of Security in Jordan[PDF]
02 Dec 2013Opening remarks by the Executive Secretary, Lassina Zerbo, at the Host Country Training in Jordan[PDF]
30 Oct 2013Address by the Executive Secretary, Lassina Zerbo, at the National Seminar on the CTBT in Luanda, Angola[PDF]
28 Oct 2013Address by the Executive Secretary, Lassina Zerbo, at the Exhibitions “A Lesson in Peace: The History of Dismantling of Soviet Nuclear Weapons in Kazakhstan”, and “Looking for Peace”, a presentation of paintings by artist Karipbek Kuyukov, Honorary ATOM Project Ambassador[PDF]

DateStatements by the Comprehensive
Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization
30 May 2019Media statement in response to media reports quoting remarks by U.S. Lieutenant General Robert P. Ashley[PDF]

DateStatements on the CTBT
17 Feb 2015Statement by Mr Genxin Li, Director, Legal and External Relations Division, at the Handover Ceremony of the Chairmanship of the G-77 Vienna Chapter[PDF]
17 Jun 2013Speech by Hans Blix, Former (FMR) Director General, IAEA at the Science and Technology 2013 Conference (SnT2013) in Vienna, Austria[PDF]
8 Aug 2012Speech by CTBTO Spokesperson, Annika Thunborg, at the "Genbaku No Hi 2012" event to commemorate the victims of the atomic bombings, Vienna, Austria[PDF]
8 Mar 2012Remarks by Vorian Maryssael, Director of the International Monitoring System Division of the Preparatory Commission for the CTBTO, at the joint UN celebrations for the International Women's Day-8 March 2012, Vienna, Austria[PDF]
15 Nov 2011Statement by Fredrik Löjdquist, Minister, Deputy Head of Mission of Sweden to the Preparatory Commission for the CTBTO at the opening of the Cross-regional workshop in Istanbul[PDF]
28 Mar 2011Statement by Annika Thunborg, Spokesperson at the CTBTO Preparatory Commission at the Permanent Council of the Organziation of American States (OAS)[PDF]
25 Feb 2011Statement by Annika Thunborg, Spokesperson and Head of Public Information at the 3rd ASEAN Regional Forum Inter-Sessional Meeting on Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA[PDF]
13 Jan 2011Joint Ministerial Statement on the CTBT[PDF]
4 Nov. 2010Statement by Jean du Preez Chief, External Relations and International Cooperation at the First Conference of State Parties of the African Nuclear Weapons Free Zone Treaty[PDF]
23 Sept. 2010Remarks by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to Media after Ministerial Meeting in Support of Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty[PDF]
23 Sept. 2010Joint Ministerial Statement on the CTBT[PDF]
29 July 2010Statement by Annika Thunborg, Spokesperson and Head of Public Information at the Hiroshima Conference for the Total Abolition of Nuclear Weapons by 2020[PDF]
29 July 2010Statement by Annika Thunborg, Spokesperson and Head of Public Information at the Hiroshima Conference for the Total Abolition of Nuclear Weapons by 2020[PDF]
4 May 2010Remarks by Mr. Michael Douglas, United Nations Messenger of Peace, on the occasion of the CTBT Exhibition “Putting an End to Nuclear Explosions[PDF]
3 May 2010Remarks by Dr. R.M. Marty M. Natalegawa Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia on the occasion of the CTBT Exhibition “Putting an End to Nuclear Explosions”[PDF]
30 April 2010Statement by Mr Jean du Preez Chief, External Relations and International Cooperation at the Second Conference of State Parties and Signatories of Treaties that Establish Nuclear-Weapon-Free-Zones[PDF]
17 April 2010Statement by Mr Jean du Preez, CTBTO Preparatory Commission's Chief of External Relations and International Cooperation as an observer at the International Disarmament and Non-proliferation Conference[PDF]
24 Sept. 2008Joint Ministerial Statement on the CTBT[PDF]
20 Sept. 2006Joint Ministerial Statement on the CTBT[PDF]
23 Sept. 2004Joint Ministerial Statement on the CTBT[PDF]
14 Sept. 2002Joint Ministerial Statement on the CTBT[PDF]
14 Sept. 2002Statement by Mr. Dhanapala on the occasion of the launching of
the joint Ministerial statement on the CTBT

DateStatements by Tibor Tóth,
Executive Secretary Emeritus (2005 - 2013)
23 Apr. 2013Address by the Executive Secretary, Tibor Tóth, at the 2nd Preparatory Committee for the 2015 NPT Review Conference, Geneva, Switzerland[PDF]
9 Jan. 2013Address by the Executive Secretary, Tibor Tóth, at the ACUNS Conference, Vienna, Austria[PDF]
6 Sep. 2012Statement by Executive Secretary Tibor Tóth at the UN General Assembly Session to commemorate the International Day against Nuclear Tests[PDF]
3 Sep. 2012Statement by Executive Secretary Tibor Tóth at the OPCW 15th Anniversary Event[PDF]
10 Aug. 2012Keynote speech by the Executive Secretary, Tibor Tóth, at the opening of the International Forum on Disarmament and Nonproliferation Education, Nagasaki, Japan[PDF]
7 Aug. 2012Address by the Executive Secretary, Tibor Tóth, at the University of Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan[PDF]
3 May 2012Statement by the Executive Secretary, Tibor Tóth, at the 2012 Preparatory Committee for the 2015 NPT Review Conference, Vienna, Austria[PDF]
12 Mar. 2012Remarks by the Executive Secretary, Tibor Tóth, at the joint UNOV Commemoration Ceremony of the Great Japan Earthquake, Vienna, Austria[PDF]
8 Mar. 2012Remarks by the Executive Secretary, Tibor Tóth, at the joint UNOV celebrations for the International Women's Day-8 March 2012, Vienna, Austria[PDF]
17 Feb. 2012Address by the Executive Secretary, Tibor Tóth, at the celebrations for CTBTO's 15th anniversary, Vienna, Austria[PDF]
14 Feb. 2012Address by the Executive Secretary, Tibor Tóth, at the Commemoration of the 45th Anniversary of the Signing of the Treaty of Tlatelolco, Mexico City, Mexico[PDF]
11 Jan. 2012Address by the Executive Secretary, Tibor Tóth, at the ACUNS Conference, Vienna, Austria[PDF]
6 Dec. 2011Message by the Executive Secretary, Tibor Tóth, at the OSCE Ministerial Council Meeting, Vilnius, Lithuania[PDF]
15 Nov. 2011Address by the Executive Secretary, Tibor Tóth, at the Istanbul Cross-Regional Workshop 'Role of the CTBT in Regional and Global Security'[PDF]
12 Oct. 2011Statement by the Executive Secretary, Tibor Tóth, at the Astana International Forum for a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World[PDF]
6 July 2011Statement by the Executive Secretary, Tibor Tóth, at the EU Seminar to promote confidence building and in support of a process aimed at establishing a zone free of WMD and means of delivery in the Middle East[PDF]
21 June 2011Statement by the Executive Secretary, Tibor Tóth, at the IAEA Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety[PDF]
28 Feb 2011Address by the Executive Secretary, Tibor Tóth at ACUNS Conference on Connecting Academics and Practitioners[PDF]
13 Dec. 2010Address by the Executive Secretary, Tibor Tóth, at the 65th Session of the United Nations General Assembly[PDF]
1 Dec. 2010Message from Tibor Tóth, Executive Secretary of the CTBTO at the OSCE Summit, Astana, Kazakhstan.[PDF]
13 Oct. 2010Address by the CTBTO Executive Secretary, Tibor Tóth, at the UNGA First Committee[PDF]
24 Sept. 2010Address by Tibor Tóth, Executive Secretary of the CTBTO at High Level Meeting on "Revitalizing the Work of the Conference on Disarmament and taking Forward Multilateral Disarmament Negotiations"[PDF]
23 Sept. 2010Address by Tibor Tóth, Executive Secretary of the CTBTO at the fifth CTBT Ministerial Meeting[PDF]
9 Aug. 2010Statement by CTBTO Executive Secretary, Tibor Tóth, on the occasion of the Commemorative Ceremony Genbaku No Hi - Atomic Bomb Memorial Day[PDF]
6 May 2010Statement by Tibor Tóth, Executive Secretary of the CTBTO Preparatory Commission, on the ocassion of the 2010 NPT Review Conference[PDF]
4 May 2010Remarks by Tibor Tóth, Executive Secretary of the CTBTO Preparatory Commission, on the ocassion of the CTBT Exhibition “Putting an End to Nuclear Explosions[PDF]
17 Nov. 2009Improvements of the Technical Capability of the Verification Regime Since 2000[PDF]
16 Nov. 2009Opening Statement of the Executive Secretary at the thirty-third session of the Preparatory Commission[PDF]
6 May 2009Address to the third session of the Preparatory Committee for the 2010 NPT Review Conference[PDF]
26-27 Feb. 2008Towards a world free of nuclear weapons - The contribution of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty[PDF]
26-27 Feb. 2008Factsheet for Oslo Conference 26-27 Feb 2008[PDF]
17 Oct. 2007Address to the First Committee[PDF]
14 Feb. 200740th anniversary of Latin America and the Caribbean declaring
itself a nuclear-weapon free zone
20 Oct. 2006Sixty-fist Session of the United Nations General Assembly[PDF]
9 Oct. 2006Statement concerning the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's
announcement of a Nuclear Test
6 Oct. 2006Statement concerning the Democratic People's Republic of Korea’s
declared intention to conduct a nuclear test
31 Aug. 2006Statement on the occasion of the Scientific Symposium
"CTBT: Synergies with Science, 1996 - 2006 and Beyond"

DateStatements by the Chairman
of the Preparatory Commission
9 Oct. 2006Statement of the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission,
Ambassador Volodymyr Yelchenko, concerning the Democratic
People's Republic of Korea's announcement of a Nuclear Test
6 Oct. 2006Statement of the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission,
Ambassador Volodymyr Yelchenko, concerning the Democratic
People's Republic of Korea's declared intention of a Nuclear Test

DateStatements by Wolfgang Hoffmann,
Executive Secretary Emeritus (1996 - 2005)
22 Sept. 2004Forty-eighth Session Regular Session of the IAEA General Conference[PDF]
09 Oct. 2003Fifty-eighth Session of The United Nations General Assembly[PDF]
17 Sept. 2003Forty-seventh Regular Session of the IAEA General Conference[PDF]
20 Nov. 2002Fifty-seventh Session of The United Nations General Assembly[PDF]
18 Sept. 2002Forty-sixth Regular Session of the IAEA General Conference[PDF]
06 Dec. 2001Fifty-sixth Session of The United Nations General Assembly[PDF]
13 Sept. 2001Forty-fifth Regular Session of the IAEA General Conference[PDF]

CTBTO Executive Secretary Floyd addresses the United Nations Security Council.

CTBTO Executive Secretary, Robert Floyd

Lassina Zerbo, Executive Secretary of the CTBTO

Executive Secretary Tibor Tóth delivering the keynote lecture at the high-level event, “Science for Peace - Applying Technical Expertise to Emerging Security Challenges”, 16 November 2012