Cooperation agreement with Slovakia on OSI activities
Lajcak and Zerbo discussed deepening the cooperation between Slovakia and the CTBTO, including in the framework of the events marking the 20th anniversary of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) in 2016 and regarding the storage of the organisation’s on-site inspection equipment in light of Slovakia’s proximity to the CTBTO’s headquarters in Vienna.

Miroslav Lajcak, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovakia (left) and Executive Secretary Lassina Zerbo
Slovakia has already hosted several OSI exercise and training activities, including field tests of seismic aftershock equipment in 2001 and a noble gas field operations test (see article in CTBTO Spectrum - PDF) in 2009.
The present agreement provides a comprehensive political, legal and administrative framework for future OSI activities hosted by Slovakia. This includes for example providing suitable sites and support for OSI training, exercises and equipment tests. The designated authority on the Slovak side is the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic.
2009 Noble Gas Field Operations Test near Stupava, Slovakia.

SAUNA noble gas sampler used in the field operations test.
18 Nov 2015