Crossroads -- 20 years on, which way will we go?

In a dreamlike setting, this short film where the political meets the personal, demands to know what kind of world we want our children to grow up in: one without nuclear tests or a much darker post-apocalyptic version. A father reflects on his experience of growing up in a world of fear during The Troubles in Northern Ireland. He draws parallels to the Cold War-era fear of the threat of nuclear weapons, which is again becoming tangible today. Yet while Northern Ireland’s peace treaty was ratified, the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, which opened for signature in 1996 and intends to stop nuclear weapons development , has been stuck in limbo for 20 years. Having vowed to raise his children without the sense of fear he grew up with, the father interacts with his son, aged 1 and then aged 20. He asks: “20 years on, which way will we go?” The film features the award winning talents of actor Patrick O’Kane, director Miles Roston and cinematographer Jimmy Gimferrer.

29 Jul 2016