CTBTO Head Engages Costa Rica & Dominican Republic in Nuclear-Test Ban

Scientists from across Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) came together 24 February to 1 March for a Regional Infrasound Workshop and Integrated Training for National Data Centres in San José, Costa Rica. Opening the event, CTBTO Executive Secretary Zerbo said it displayed “the region´s engagement in the strengthening of the nuclear test-ban and Costa Rica’s continuous commitment to the development and realisation of the CTBTO’s operational capabilities.”

Whilst in the region, Zerbo also travelled to the Dominican Republic for consultations with high level officials. The Executive Secretary met with the Foreign Ministers of both Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic, as well as other government officials, and also engaged with members from civil society. 

CTBTO Executive Secretary Lassina Zerbo delivering opening remarks for a panel discussion at the LAC Regional Infrasound Workshop and Integrated Training for National Data Centres.

On 25 February, Zerbo inaugurated LAC workshop alongside the Rector of the National University of Costa Rica (UNA) and a representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ International Cooperation Division.

A key focus of the event was to enhance national and regional capacities to implement the CTBT and participate in the monitoring system, including the use of civil and scientific applications of CTBT data. Zerbo also delivered the opening remarks for a panel discussion that included the Foreign Ministry’s Head of Multilateral Affairs.

Executive Secretary Zerbo meets with Costa Rican Foreign Minister Manuel E. Ventura Robles and various government officials at the Foreign Ministry in San José.

Executive Secretary Zerbo presents Costa Rican Foreign Minister Manuel E. Ventura Robles with a copy of the CTBT.

The conduct of this event once again displays the region´s engagement in the strengthening of the nuclear test-ban and Costa Rica’s continuous commitment to the development and realization of the CTBTO’s operational capabilities.

In San José, Zerbo met with Foreign Minister Manuel E. Ventura Robles and Vice Minister of Science and Technology Paola Vega.

The Executive Secretary commended Minister Ventura Robles for Costa Rica’s role as a champion of non-proliferation and disarmament. Furthermore, Zerbo noted that his visit highlighted the opportunity to develop joint work to reach common objectives — through capacity-building, youth engagement, as well as participation in SnT2019 to promote cooperation.

Zerbo was given a tour of the NDC located in the National Seismic Institute at UASD

Lassina Zerbo with UASD Rector Emma Polanco and UASD senior faculty

Whilst in San José, Zerbo also held meetings with representatives from the National University of Costa Rica (UNA) and the Volcanological and Seismological Observatory of Costa Rica (OVSICORI). Zerbo visited the Infrasound Station at VTCI Volcano Turrialba.

In Santo Domingo, Zerbo met with Foreign Minister Miguel Vargas Maldonado, who reiterated the Dominican Republic’s unwavering support for the CTBT.

Minister Vargas also highlighted his country’s readiness to further contribute to efforts towards the universalization of the CTBT, in particular in the context the Dominican Republic’s current membership of the United Nations Security Council.  

Zerbo also met with Emma Polanco, Rector of Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo (UASD) and senior faculty members. Polanco is the first female rector of the UASD, leading over 200,000 students.  

During his visit to UASD, Zerbo was given a tour of the National Data Center located in the National Seismic Institute.

The Executive Secretary also met with senior faculty members of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), where he engaged with a cross-disciplinary group of students.

Secretario Ejecutivo de Organización del Tratado de Prohibición Completa de Ensayos Nucleares (CTBTO) visita Costa Rica para inaugurar taller regional y reunirse con autoridades del país. ?? https://t.co/4QRAgZnKGS pic.twitter.com/xtCl92j5NG

— Cancillería Costa Rica

5 Mar 2019