CTBTO at the “Long Night of Research"

Have you tried filming with a thermal imaging camera? Or operated a gamma radiation backpack? Join us for the Long Night of Research (in German: “Lange Nacht der Forschung”) on 22 April at the Vienna International Centre to find out more!

The event is taking place for the 7th time across Austria in order to promote science and research in particular amongst the younger generation. This year, the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) is one of several international organizations participating.

On-site inspectors in action.

In the Vienna International Centre’s Rotunda, visitors will have the chance for a hands-on experience with some of the equipment used during on-site inspections to discover signs of a clandestine nuclear explosion.

This equipment on display is normally not accessible to the public and includes a thermal imaging camera that helps inspectors detect temperature differences, a portable micro-seismic station that can detect tiny earth movements and a gamma radiation backpack to detect radiation in the area the inspector is surveying.

The Integrated Field Exercise IFE14 in Jordan in 2014: a challenging and realistic simulation of an on-site inspection

CTBTO experts will explain about on-site inspections and the detection of nuclear tests through the organization’s global network of monitoring stations.

Entrance is free. Doors open at 17:00 and the last entry will be at 23:00 with the exhibits closing at midnight. Visitors must bring a photo ID and go through a security check. More information at the Lange Nacht der Forschung website (in German).

19 Apr 2016