CTBTO National Data Centre Workshop in Algiers
Representatives from CTBT NDCs from around the globe gathered in Algiers, Algeria from 6 to 10 May 2018 to participate in the NDC workshop.
CTBTO Executive Secretary Lassina Zerbo interviewed by local media during the NDC workshop.
As a country that has suffered from nuclear testing and is viscerally attached to international peace and security, Algeria is and will always remain a strong advocate for the CTBT – at all levels.
Algerian Foreign Minister Abdelkader Messahel and Lassina Zerbo.
Algerian Minister of Energy Mustapha Guitouni delivers his remarks to the NDC workshop.
You may be particularly eager to start passionate discussions about the science behind the CTBT, your experiences as NDC managers and/or staff, achievements and challenges. But, I believe that all your work would be incomplete if you do not fully grasp the power in your hands, the power that resides in the analysis and interpretation that you will make of the CTBT data.
Lassina Zerbo delivers his remarks to the NDC workshop.
Participants of the NDC workshop listen to the opening remarks.
Lassina Zerbo presents Algerian Minister of Energy Mustapha Guitouni with a gift from the CTBTO.
#CTBT Capacity Building on NuclearTest monitoring in line w/Algeria
14 May 2018