CTBTO Youth Group launched

The CTBTO Youth Group was launched at the symposium on "Science and Diplomacy for Peace and Security: the CTBT@20", held in Vienna, Austria, from 25 January to 4 February 2016. The importance of engaging youth was one of the main outcomes of the symposium.
Twenty years after the opening for signature of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), the young generation’s involvement is key to advancing the Treaty’s entry into force.
The group is open to all students and young graduates who are directing their careers to contribute to global peace and security and who wish to actively engage in promoting the CTBT and its verification regime.
There was a lot of enthusiasm for the fact that so many of the next generation were able to take part in the symposium, both online and in person. I share this enthusiasm and want all of the younger participants to know that I am grateful for your interest and for the energy you bring to our common cause. In this year where we reflect on the 20th anniversary of the CTBT’s opening for signature, I believe that the time has come to bring youth more firmly on board. I wish to invite all students and young graduates who are directing their careers to contribute to global peace and security to join a new CTBTO Youth Group.

The CTBTO Youth Group has already gathered a large number of young prominent members who are ready to commit to advancing the cause of banning nuclear tests.
Current group members are undergraduate and graduate students from their countries’ top universities, such as the Nangarhar University (Afghanistan), the University of Western Ontario (Canada), the University of Lahore (Pakistan), MGIMO-University (Russian Federation), Oxford University (UK), Cambridge University (UK), George Washington University, Stanford University, Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, UC Davis (all USA).

Executive Secretary Lassina Zerbo with Youth Communicators in Hiroshima, Japan, in November 2013

The group’s activities are run by its members. CTBTO staff stand ready to support the group through access to CTBTO educational material, networks and forums. Main objectives that have been identified by the group are:
  • Revitalize the discussion around the CTBT among decision-makers, academia, students, expert society and media;
  • Raise awareness of the importance of the nuclear test-ban;
  • Build a basis for knowledge transfer to the younger generation;
  • Involve new technologies into promoting the CTBT – social media, digital visualization, interactive means of delivering information etc.;
  • Place the CTBT on the agenda of the world’s most important nuclear-related events.
We will spare no effort to contribute to the universal goal and get our generation to witness the long-awaited entry into force of the Treaty.

Meet some of the group's members. Contacts for further information: youthgroup@ctbto.org

3 Mar 2016