The former President of Nigeria at the CTBTO

The former President of Nigeria, Olu??gun Mathew Okiki?la Ar?mu ?basanj?, visited the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) on 27 March 2014, where he met with Executive Secretary Lassina Zerbo.
Zerbo thanked ?basanj? for his country's support for the work of the organization, noting that the signature and ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) by Nigeria took place during President ?basanj? term.
Zerbo also highlighted the contribution of Ambassador Abdulkadir Bin Rimdap of Nigeria, who repeatedly chaired the Member States' decision-making bodies. He further expressed his appreciation for the technical contribution of experts from Nigeria to building and maintaining the CTBT verification regime. In this regard, he also emphasised the linkage between the CTBT and the African Nuclear Free Zone (Pelindaba Treaty) and the importance of both instruments for African security.
?basanj? stated that all African States should sign and ratify the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) without delay. He offered to address the issue personally with active and former African heads of state.
Nigeria signed the CTBT in 2000 and ratified in 2001, see country profile. The instrument of ratification carries ?basanj?'s signature.

Former Nigerian President Olu??gun Mathew Okiki?la Ar?mu ?basanj? (left) with CTBTO Executive Secretary Lassina Zerbo

Operations Centre Manager Enrique Castillo (right) explains the International Data Centre

11 Jun 2014