International Day Against Nuclear Tests 2018
29 August 2018

Xiaoning Wang, Director, Legal & External Relations Division, CTBTO, provides a statement on behalf of ES Zerbo during the 2018 IDANT event in Vienna.
Today reminds us of one of the longest-sought objectives of the international community; putting an end to nuclear tests.
Read the Message from CTBTO Executive Secretary Zerbo for the International Day Against Nuclear Tests (PDF).

Anuar Tanalinov, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the International Organizations in Vienna provides a statement during the 2018 IDANT event in Vienna.
The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty has an essential role within the nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regime. It fosters international peace and security by constraining the development of nuclear weapons. Our collective security demands that every effort should be made to bring this essential treaty into force.

Carlos Aragón Gil de la Serna, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Representation of Spain to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Vienna provides a statement on the occasion of the 2018 IDANT event in Vienna.

Elvira Sanchez (on behalf of Paz y Cooperacion) launches the 2018 Global Scholar Art Campaign “For a Safer World--Join Forces with the CTBTO” on the occasion of the 2018 IDANT event in Vienna.
The significance of being in Kazakhstan on 29 August where nuclear testing has left a poisonous legacy is immense.
On #IDANT, met H.E President #NusurltanNazerbaev w/FM #Abdrakhmanov : highlighting the symbolism of meeting on 29/08 date of closing of the world's largest #nuclearpolygon 1991
the President shared
- Joint Statement by Kairat Abdrakhmanov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, and Lassina Zerbo, Executive Secretary of the CTBTO (PDF)
- Keynote speech by CTBTO Executive Secretary Zerbo to the 2018 CTBTO GEM – Youth International Conference (PDF)
- Secretary-General's message on the International Day against Nuclear Testing
29 Aug 2018

Group photo of the participants of the 2018 CTBTO GEM – Youth International Conference in Astana.

CTBTO ES Zerbo accompanied by GEM group & Chair of Kazakhstan senate discuss ways to promote the CTBT.

GEM members and CTBTO ES Zerbo at the 2018 CTBTO GEM – Youth International Conference in Astana.

Foreign Minister of Kazkhstan, Kairat Abdrakhmanov, delivering a keynote speech to 2018 CTBTO GEM – Youth International Conference in Astana.

A minute of silence observed for the victims of nuclear testing at the 2018 CTBTO GEM – Youth International Conference in Astana.