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Introduction Course on the CTBT

The Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) will hold a weeklong introduction course from 18 to 22 October 2010 on legal, political and security related aspects of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), as well as the science and technology that underpin the verification regime designed to monitor compliance with the Treaty. Capacity Development Initiative The course, entitled “Strengthening Verification, Enhancing Security: The Science and Political Significance of the CTBT,” is a component of the broader capacity development initiative being carried out by the CTBTO. The vision for the capacity development initiative is based on the realization that building and maintaining the necessary capacity to deal with the technical, scientific and political complexities of arms control is a key challenge for the multilateral non-proliferation and disarmament regime. Therefore, it is essential that the CTBTO provides opportunities to as many stakeholders as possible to participate on an equal footing in the implementation of multilaterally established regimes and in the benefits thereof.

CTBTO Executive Secretary Tibor Tóth addressing visiting United Nations Disarmament Fellows

Course Topics This entry-level course is designed to strengthen and broaden participation in global monitoring and verification efforts and to promote understanding and awareness of the Treaty and the work of the CTBTO. Comprised of a series of brief lectures, presentations and discussions on the CTBT, the course will cover issues related to the following topics:
  • Political Significance of the CTBT
  • History of Nuclear Testing and Negotiation of the CTBT
  • The Contribution of the CTBT to International Peace and Security
  • Entry Into Force and Universality
  • The Organization before and after Entry into Force
  • CTBT National Implementation Measures
  • CTBTO Programme and Budget Issues
  • The International Monitoring System
  • The International Data Centre
  • CTBT On-Site Inspections
  • Civil and Scientific Benefits of the CTBT Verification System

Director of IDC Division Lassina Zerbo providing an overview of the International Data Centre

Participating in the Course Those wishing to participate in the course should submit a completed Participation Form ( Available Here ) to the External Relations and International Cooperation Section of the Secretariat by no later than 13 October 2010. Forms can be faxed and marked to the attention of Kevin Murray (+43 (1) 260 30 5960) or emailed ([email protected]). Due to space limitations, participants will be selected for the course on a first-come, first-served basis. For those unable to attend the course in person, lectures, presentations and course materials will be provided through the CTBTO public website. The lectures will be live-streamed and archived for viewing at a later date, and those participating “virtually” can also download presentations and additional materials. Course participants, including those following the lectures through the CTBTO Public Website, are invited to submit queries to Kevin Murray via email ([email protected]) on specific areas of interest prior to 13 October 2010. Course Material and Video Streams Course Programme (PDF) All course materials, including presentation slides and links to the live video streams of the lectures, will be available through this link:
CTBT Course Website
Detailed informational materials covering nuclear testing, the Treaty, the Organization, and the verification regime can be found on www.ctbto.org.    

OSI Coordinator Matjaz Prah discussing elements of the On-Site Inspection regime

6 Oct 2010