Member States encouraged to
promote the CTBT at global and
regional meetings

At the Conference on Facilitating the Entry into Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT Article XIV Conference), which took place in New York from 24 to25 September 2009, States agreed to “spare no effort and use all avenues […] to encourage further signature and ratification of the Treaty” ( final declaration ). Convinced of the importance of achieving the CTBT’s entry into force, ratifying and signatory States also urged “all States to sustain the momentum generated by this Conference to remain seized of the issue at the highest political level [and] support and encourage bilateral, regional and multilateral initiatives by interested countries to promote the entry into force of the Treaty.” “Today, it’s up to us to find the conviction and force to push forward the ratification of the CTBT by all nations,” said Bernard Kouchner ( statement ), France’s Foreign Minister who co-presided over the Conference. “It is impossible to ignore the numerous and persisting calls for the elimination of nuclear weapons,” added Morocco’s Foreign Minister, Taïb Fassi-Fihri ( statement ), the other Co-President.

HE Ambassador Omar Zniber, HE Ambassador Florence Mangin, and Mr. Tibor Tóth.

Information Sharing – Key to Progress

Building on these commitments, the ambassadors of France and Morocco in Vienna, Florence Mangin and Omar Zniber, pledged to work together at international summits and regional conferences to promote and coordinate outreach activities for the Treaty, and invited other States to do the same. To assist in this process, an action plan and at both the global and regional level were laid out, and States were encouraged to promote the Treaty through individual initiatives, joint declaration or resolutions. Enrolling every country on Earth in the CTBT and raising global awareness about it could be two ways to gain the Treaty’s entry into force, suggested the French and Moroccan ambassadors who are coordinating the entry-into-force process. States were also invited to share information on their efforts to promote the Treaty at different events. Significant news, statements, and reports on these outreach activities will be published on the CTBTO website upon request.

The Conference on Facilitating the Entry into Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty took place 24-25 September 2009, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, USA.

Support of the international community remains crucial

Working together in Vienna, New York, Geneva, and around the globe, the two coordinators hope to achieve increased awareness on the importance of the entry into force of the CTBT and on its role in the multilateral efforts towards disarmament. “We need the support of the international community to move forward towards the entry into force and universalization of this Treaty,” said Tibor Tóth, the CTBTO’s Executive Secretary. 35 Ratifications away from Universalization
The CTBT bans all nuclear explosions. It has been ratified by 151 States and signed by 182. China, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Pakistan and the United States still have to ratify for the Treaty to enter into force. Another35 States have either not signed (10 States) or not ratified (25 States) the Treaty.

Attached is a list (PDF) of 2010 political meetings at global and regional level that could be utilized to promote the Treaty’s universalisation and entry into force.


Rolling list of events:

17 Feb 2010