Panel Discussion at Tel Aviv University: Israel and the CTBT
The Israel chapter of the CTBTO Youth Group (CYG) together with the University of Tel Aviv School of Political Science, Government and International Relations and the National Security Studies Center at Haifa University organized a panel discussion on the opportunities and challenges of the CTBT in Israel.

Panellists at the meeting at Tel Aviv University
While the tools at our disposal have become more numerous and innovative, there is really no sustainable alternative to multilateralism based on trust through verification.
Panellists included representatives from Tel Aviv University, Haifa University, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Israel Atomic Energy Commission (IAEC), the CYG and the CTBTO. The event provided a platform to review Israel’s contribution to and support for the work of the CTBTO Preparatory Commission and for concrete discussions on the role of the CTBT in a regional and global context, the performance and the value of its verification regime, and the feasibility and possible advantages of an Israeli ratification.
Long-term compliance with the non-proliferation regime depends on the institutionalization and internalization of the non-proliferation norm.
Our hope is to bridge generational gap in #NonProlif & #Disarmament within #CTBT AnnexII States and prepare solid political & technological ground for Treaty ratification: #Youth4CTBT in #Israel
Having signed the Treaty on the second day of opening for signature in 1996, Israel's primary concerns regarding ratification of the CTBT were discussed in a lively debate between panel members and the audience. The CTBT was highlighted as one of the measures around which an effective international consensus can be built as a tried and tested instrument for non-proliferation, a catalyst for nuclear disarmament, and a strong confidence and security building measure.
20 Dec 2018