UN Disarmament Fellows at the CTBTO
The Fellows are participating in three-month programme that aims to build the capacity of officials from UN Member States to enable them to participate more effectively in international disarmament deliberating and negotiating fora. The programme was launched in 1978 and is implemented by the UN Office for Disarmament (UNODA).

The Treaty that bans all nuclear explosions
I think it was very, very stimulating. The experiences I’ve had here in the CTBT and in Vienna as a whole will help my career.
You are the next generation of experts in arms control and non-proliferation…You will make a difference and this is what I am asking you to do.
What we are ultimately trying to do is build peace, security and stability for all of us. This is not just an issue for the nuclear weapon States. This world is changing so fast. There are no big players. We are all big players. We are all interconnected [as are] the issues that we are dealing with.

CTBTO Executive Secretary Lassina Zerbo
The CTBT introductory course and its module were very informative. The demonstrations on the verification regime proves once and for all the value of the system for nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament.

At the infrasound test-bed station
The program is well-designed, offers a good balance between theory and practice and is intellectually stimulating.
Hearing insights from Permanent Representatives to the CTBTO highlighted the domestic issues regarding Treaty ratification, which are often overlooked.

From left: Tamara Fitzgerald, U.S. mission to the UN Vienna and Zhang Shen, from China's mission to the UN Vienna

Equipment check as part of the on-site inspections table-top exercise
I really appreciated the practical part of the programme, especially the OSI simulation and the interactive sessions.
18 Sep 2015