United States Makes Voluntary Contribution in Support of CTBT Verification Regime

28 August 2015

The United States has made a voluntary contribution of US$ 3,000,000 to the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) to enhance its analysis of global nuclear explosive test monitoring and support the verification regime.
“I thank the United States for this generous contribution, which is another demonstration of its continued commitment to our work,” CTBTO Executive Secretary, Dr Lassina Zerbo said. The in-kind contribution of expertise will support the elaboration phase of the International Data Centre (IDC) re-engineering project, a vital part of the continuing efforts to strengthen the capabilities and performance of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty’s (CTBT) verification regime.
“The IDC re-engineering project is a major multi-year effort that is crucial to the long-term functioning of the monitoring system, and is expected to return dividends through improved efficiency and sustainment,” CTBTO Director of the International Data Centre, Randy Bell, said.   It will also allow inclusion of more modern and capable methods in monitoring operations.
“This project is a truly international and technically inclusive undertaking, with CTBTO Member States from around the globe contributing both intellectually and financially.  It will further enhance  trust and confidence in the authenticity and accuracy of IDC data,” Bell said.
The United States is the largest single regular contributor to the organization's budget. It is also hosts the largest number of International Monitoring System facilities -- 39 of a total of 337, of which most are operational. In addition, the United States voluntarily assumes the operation and maintenance costs for all hosted facilities.  For more details  on the CTBTO's cooperation with the United States see here.

Anita Friedt, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear and Strategic Policy, U.S. State Department, with CTBTO Executive Secretary Lassina Zerbo.

28 Aug 2015