Visit to U.S. nuclear labs and former Nevada Test Site
Executive Secretary Lassina Zerbo (right) with LLNL Director Bill Goldstein.
The LLNL-developed 'smart sampler' to extract radioactive noble gases during on-site inspections.

Executive Secretary Lassina Zerbo and California's Governor Jerry Brown (left).
It is a sobering thing to visit a place where so many nuclear explosions were conducted, and I appreciate this tremendous opportunity. I applaud the United States for foregoing nuclear explosive testing for over 23 years and I hope that will continue, along with the U.S. support for our efforts to make a global ban on nuclear explosions the international norm. I was greatly impressed by what I saw in Nevada, and it has given me a renewed motivation to make nuclear explosions a thing of the past for all nations.
It is our privilege to invite Dr Zerbo to visit the Nevada National Security Site. We thought it was important for him to visit the place where the United States did so many of its nuclear weapons explosive tests; to see not only the environment but to also feel a little bit that history and to understand why it is so important both for the CTBTO and the United States that we never test again.
At the Sedan test crater with NNSA Deputy Administrator Anne Harrington.

In his discussion with scientists and engineers at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Zerbo emphasized the importance of science and technology for CTBT verification.

With former U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz.
The CTBT is one of the most important Treaties around. The justification for a yes vote is more powerful today...You can point to a verification system & say it works. It seems like a 'no-brainer' to ratify this Treaty.
In 1996, I was the lead author on a position statement from the two largest professional societies that include seismology (AGU and SSA) on the verifiability of a CTBT. To be able to see the CTBTO stand-up in 20 years and do such a marvelous job is quite an achievement.

Los Alamos National Laboratory Senior Manager Terry Wallace welcomed Zerbo to the lab.
ES tweet on Sedan crater
ES Tweet on meeting with Perry
ES tweet on meeting with Shultz
24 Nov 2015