Voluntary Contribution by the United States

The United States has pledged a voluntary contribution of US$ 3,450,000 to the Preparatory Commission of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO). This in-kind contribution of equipment, training and expertise will benefit different components of the verification regime of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT).

One of many U.S. visitors to the CTBTO: Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz (3rd from left) on 2 July 2013

The largest part of this contribution will be devoted in particular to preparations for the next Integrated Field Exercise (IFE14) in Jordan in November 2014. This exercise will be the most comprehensive test to date of the CTBTO’s capabilities to conduct an on-site inspection. Such inspections will be possible only after entry into force of the CTBT.

The preparations for IFE14 require significant efforts by the CTBT State Signatories. This effort has been provided from multiple signatories in the form of contributions in kind for equipment, development of products, and provision of cost free experts. The IFE14 could not be executed at this level without their support.

Another substantial part will benefit the xenon emission mitigation project. Radioxenon can be detected by radionuclide stations after a nuclear explosion. It is also released during the production of lifesaving medicines, which might interfere with the detection of nuclear tests. The U.S. contribution aims at working together with producers of medical and industrial isotopes to alleviate these effects.

The United States is the largest single regular contributor to the organization's budget. It is also the host of the largest number of International Monitoring System facilities - 39 of a total of 337, of which most are operational. In addition, the United States voluntarily assumes the operation and maintenance costs for all hosted facilities. See country page for more information on the CTBTO's cooperation with the United States.

One of 39 CTBTO stations hosted by the United States: Hydroacoustic station HA11, Wake Island, during construction.

6 Sep 2013