Foreign Ministers call for an end to all nuclear test explosions

The CTBT is a uniting force in the multilateral system. Today, the prospects for entry into force of the Treaty appear much more positive than they did for many years.

The Co-Presidents of the Article XIV Process from 2011 to 2013, Sweden and Mexico, handing over the Presidency to Hungary and Indonesia.

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

CTBTO Executive Secretary Lassina Zerbo
In his opening remarks , Martonyi said particular effort should be placed on dialogue with the eight remaining countries yet to ratify. “We will therefore spare no efforts to convince these countries that embracing the CTBT can only enhance their own security and standing.”

Foreign Minister of Hungary János Martonyi
“The continuing moratorium on nuclear test explosions is important but this is only a temporary measure. It does not ensure the permanent cessation of nuclear weapon test explosions,” Natalegawa said.

Foreign Minister of Indonesia Marty Natalegawa
Eleven concrete measures to accelerate the CTBT’s entry into force were agreed on during the conference. These included support for bilateral, regional and multilateral outreach initiatives and cooperation with civil society as well as encouraging a range of other activities designed to increase the number of signatures and ratifications by raising awareness about the importance of the Treaty.

Guinea-Bissau ratifies the CTBT

Iraq ratifies the CTBT bringing the Treaty to 161 ratifications

Some of the members of the Group of Eminent Persons at the official launching of the group in New York on 26 September 2013.
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