2018 Year in Review
The start of the year was highlighted by China reaffirming its commitment to the CTBT, certifying four IMS stations, to bring its total of certified stations to five. Two primary seismic stations - PS12 (Hailar) and PS13 (Lanzhou), and two radionuclide stations - RN22 (Guangzhou) and RN20 (Beijing) were certified. The rapid pace in which these certifications were added to the IMS network showed China’s strong commitment to realizing a nuclear test free world.

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At its annual meeting in Austin, Texas, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) presented its Science Diplomacy award to CTBTO Executive Secretary Lassina Zerbo, for his commitment to eliminating nuclear testing. The award ceremony highlighted the value of science diplomacy and acknowledged Dr. Zerbo for the significant contributions he has made to resolving nuclear testing issues.

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MARCH 2018
In March of this year, the Second International Convention on Science, Technology and Innovation, hosted by the Republic of Cuba took place in Havana. For the first time, CTBTO National Data Centres contributed to the convention, sharing experiences of using CTBTO technologies and data, and participating in the organization’s capacity building activities. During the convention, the CTBTO provided a booth presenting the CTBTO’s contribution to post Fukushima accident management.

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MAY 2018
A major highlight of 2018 was the successful second CTBT Science Diplomacy Symposium that featured two weeks of dynamic discussions, high-level keynote speeches and simulation exercises. Over forty CTBTO Youth Group (CYG) members from around the world actively participated in discussion sessions and held several side events. One vital accomplishment was publication of the first edition of NEWSROOM, the CYG’s own magazine.

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The commemoration of the 73rd Anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was held in Japan to honour the victims of the nuclear bombing. Survivors shared their stories in the hopes that future generations will not forget the suffering that nuclear weapons inflict. Executive Secretary Lassina Zerbo participated in the Nagasaki Peace Memorial Ceremony on 9 August.

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On 13 August, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea, Kang Kyung-wha and Executive Secretary Lassina Zerbo met to discuss the situation on the Korean Peninsula, and the cooperation between the ROK and the CTBTO. Minister Kang Kyung-wha reaffirmed the ROK will continue its efforts to bring the Treaty into force, as well as, establishing lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula. Executive Secretary Zerbo commended the ROK government's efforts and reiterated that the CTBTO would continue to support such efforts, and providing necessary support.

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The month of August was a busy month for the CTBTO. The International Day against Nuclear Tests was commemorated around the world with events taking place at the United Nations in Vienna, New York, and in Astana, Kazakhstan. This symbolic date marks both the anniversary of the first Soviet nuclear test in 1949 and the closure of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site in Kazakhstan in 1991. In Astana, Executive Secretary Lassina Zerbo and the Foreign Minister of Kazkhstan, Kairat Abdrakhmanov, ’adopted a joint deceleration’ during the 2018 CTBTO GEM – Youth International Conference “Remembering the past, looking into the future”. Read more about the International Day Against Nuclear Testing.

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In September, foreign ministers and other high-level representatives from Member States met at the United Nations headquarters in New York on 27 September to issue a joint call for the prompt entry into force of the CTBT. The ninth Ministerial Meeting was organized by the Foreign Ministers of the “Friends of the CTBT”.

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25 September marks an important date for the CTBTO, as Tuvalu signed the CTBT and Thailand Ratified the Treaty.

On 15 October 2018, the II Edoardo Amaldi Lecture was held at the Vienna International Centre. During the lecture EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security, Federica Mogherini, delivered an address. Luciano Maiani, chair of the International Security and Arms Control Working Group, and former UK defence minister, GEM member and Nuclear Threat Initiative Vice-Chair Des Browne made presentations.

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Attended by over 70 heads of state, heads of international organizations, government officials, and representatives of civil society from 105 countries, the first Paris Peace Forum was held in November this year. It emphasised the importance of multilateralism, as well as, international cooperation and dialogue in conquering and sustaining peace for the planet. The engagement of youth was a central element in many discussions throughout the forum.

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With the certification of infrasound station IS03 at Davis Antarctica, the Australian segment of the global monitoring system to detect nuclear test is now complete. To celebrate the completion, providing an important link in IMS monitoring of the southern hemisphere, CTBTO Executive Secretary Lassina Zerbo attended a commemorative event was at Geoscience Australia.

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Challenges and prospects for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty were discussed by a meeting of 30 students and young professionals during a CTBTO Youth Group seminar in Berlin, at the invitation of the German Foreign Office. The meeting also identified priority areas where progress is needed most to reduce nuclear risks, including tensions with North Korea.

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The first seminar on the CTBT was held in Moroni, Comoros as an essential step to raise awareness about the importance of ratifying the Treaty. Political and technical aspects of the CTBT were addressed as part of the steps towards ratification. While in the Union of Comoros, Executive Secretary Lassina Zerbo visited its National Data Centre, the National Centre for Documentation and Scientific Research and met with students of the University of Comoros.

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20 Dec 2018